
Chapter 61

“Perhaps we should just confront Holbrook with what we know?” she said.

Dearne dragged his attention back to the conversation and frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Tell him what we know. Tell him we know he sold Denton and we know he tried to have you killed when you arrived back in England.”

Dearne gave her his full attention. “My love, that might be inadvisable.”

Miss Rose put down her cup and sat forward. “My lady, you must proceed with the utmost caution. If your brother isto blame, and he knows you are aware of it, then you would be in the most terrible danger.”

Dearne wondered briefly if they had both read too many romantic novels.

“Araminta, dearest, please don’t do anything rash. If my memory returns we will know for sure what happened. Until then I think we need to aim for calm.”

“But what if he tries again? What if he succeeds this time?” She reached out blindly and clasped Miss Rose’s hand. “I cannot lose you.”