His sister in law’s answering smile was tense. “Very well. Thank you for enquiring.” She made no reciprocal gesture, instead she turned to her son with a brittle smile. “Well?”
Augustus looked hunted. “Sport,” he blurted. “We were talking about sport. Do I like fencing or boxing? I like both.”
“When I get back to London you must come to Gentleman Jackson’s with me,” Dearne said, clapping him on the arm.
“Is that sensible?” Eleanor said. “Having recently recovered from a head injury inviting a range of men to actuallyhit you on the head seems…unwise?”
Dearne laughed. “Indeed. Perhaps I will watch Gussy get knocked about instead.”
Augustus laughed and for once didn’t balk at being called Gussy. “I’d be happy to take some advice from you if I could.”
“It would be a pleasure.”
Eleanor patted Augustus gently on the cheek and went to speak with her husband.
Dearne glanced at his nephew who was scowling.
“Can I be of assistance?” he asked, watching him carefully.