“What on earth is going on?” Eleanor said from the door.
“Exactly what I would like to know, dear sister,” Dearne said. He turned to Will. “Mr. Marsden, I cannot apologise enough. I understand if you wish to leave, I, too, feel unable to remain.” He shook his head sadly. “But before we go, there are questions to be answered.”
He turned to face his family and Will wanted to wrap his arms around him and protect him, but he remained still as Dearne stood tall and surveyed his assembled relatives before speaking.
“Someone stole the deeds to Denton from Holbrook’s safe and sold it.” He looked at each one of them. “The people who had access to the safe are standing before me.”
“How dareyou accuse us,” blustered Holbrook. Eleanor whimpered and clung to his sleeve.
“I am not hearing any denials,” Dearne said. “Augustus. You’ve dipped a little deep of late. Was it you?”