Chapter 3

“That place out on Old Century? Looks like an old house? That place any good?”

“Just be there, Leo. Shit, every meal has to be an event with you.” Ollie hung up and Leo was left staring at his father, who was staring back him.

“You really need to lighten up, Leo,” he said before putting the pizza box down on the kitchen counter and then turning to grab a couple of plates from the dish rack behind him.

“Yeah, I got it, Dad. I got it.” Leo opened the box and was about to take a slice then thought better of it and went to the cabinet, where he got some herbed olive oil and red pepper. “You want some parmesan?” he asked, opening the refrigerator and grabbing a hunk of the strong smelling cheese.

“No, I don’t put all that crap on it, just grab me a beer while you’re in there,” his father answered.

Leo watched his father sit, then take a huge bite of the greasy pizza, some sauce spilling on his shirt.