Chapter 11

“The Birches?” Ollie said under his breath.

Leo nodded, but his heart pounded and dammit it if his eyes didn’t begin staring at the clock and wishing it would speed the fuck up. Fortunately, today was their light day, only one class and they were done for the rest of the day.

Instructor Putnam taught Food Science with an easy, but serious hand. Leo found her flighty. Ollie loved her. At lunch, they got into Ollie’s car and drove over to The Birches, where they discussed Putnam’s approach the whole way. Ollie always left her class inspired, motivated and expounding on her ability to explain even the most complicated ideas in a clear and easygoing way. Leo was usually ready to debate her approach, but today he let Ollie go on and only occasionally added his opinion when he felt the need to stick up for the more serious approach to learning. Mostly he stayed quiet. His head was too filled with thoughts of Dock to invest in pointless debate with Ollie.