Chapter 19

“Dock just gave me a lift home. We stopped and grabbed a bite over at Bert’s and I brought a couple of dogs home for you.” Leo pulled a paper bag from the truck and offered them to his father.

“That was nice of you, Leo,” his father said as he took the bag.

“Actually, Dock bought them,” Leo said, feeling himself smile. “He has this way of knowing what people like to eat,”

“Yeah?” his father said, looking from the bag to Dock. “What’d you peg me for?”

“Kraut and onions and relish, and I got two,” Dock answered, smiling back at Mrs. Winslow.

“Damn, if I’m not a kraut and relish man! How about that, Maddy?” his father said, handing the bag to Mrs. Winslow.

“How nice!” Mrs. Winslow said as she took the bag. “Did you boys want a little something sweet? Why don’t we all go over to my house for dessert while Graham has his dog.”

“Well, it looks like there’s enough for two Maddy, would you join me?” Graham asked, winking at Leo and Dock.