Chapter 24

“Jesus,” he called out, suddenly unable to contain his frenzied mind.

Dock stopped teasing. Leo’s nipples were left cold and wet; stiff and wanting, like rose buds yearning to be plucked.

“What are you doing to me?” Leo wailed, pulling hard against his tethers.

“I’m teaching you how to cook.”

“By torturing me?” Leo asked breathlessly.

“Are you being tortured or set free?” Dock’s voice was floating away again.

“I don’t—”

“You don’t know, tough one, huh?”

Leo thought he heard something being placed on the counter nearest him.

“You ever use a mortar and pestle?”

Leo shook his head. His pulse was slowing down. He was easing back from the edge, but his cock was still hard, painful, yearning for release, but the question quelled the need, if only temporarily.