Chapter 27

“It’s beautiful here,” Leo said as he leaned against the back of the restaurant. He liked being naked outside with the cool breeze touching him seductively. It gave him a delicious chill and the spicy cold heat of the soup was invigorating.

“Yeah, there’s something about it,” Dock said, handing over the loaf of rustic bread he had brought out. Both men drank from the bowls, and Leo ripped a wedge of bread and chewed hungrily at the hearty crust.

“I think it’s you,” Leo said after he had swallowed the bread. “I think you are the reason this place is so…” He looked around again until his eyes rested on Dock’s naked body, but he couldn’t finish his thought.

Dock laughed and shook his head; Leo watched as he drank lustily from his bowl.

“I mean it,” Leo said. “I mean, there is something about you.” He felt his cock begin to stir and knew that he wanted a second helping.