What tickled Terry most of all was, when the comments for his Argumentation paper came back, they weren’t the perfunctory and curt “Well put” or “Could be phrased better.” It was clear that Kyle had read the paper carefully and he remarked on how much effort and research Terry had put into his topic—“The Aggression of Peaceful Protests: Where is the Line Between Effective and Counterintuitive?”—as well as the number of sources Terry had used to explore civil uprisings of the past century. While Terry was relieved that three days in the campus library hadn’t been wasted, what delighted him the most was Kyle’s final comment.
“Exactly what I would expect from my top student. I look forward to seeing how you’ll impress me next.” Terry wouldn’t have been too surprised to see a winking emoji at the end of that sentence.
Oh, I’ll impress the pants off you.