“So, anyway, um,” he went on in typical teenager fashion. He let out a big sigh. “Okay, here goes. Right when I tried to lift my leg to put it over the rail, something came down hard on my foot. When I looked down, I saw a boot. I followed the boot back with my eyes to pantaloons, a sword, a tankard, a vest, chest hair,” he blushed. “And a bearded, old as the universe, face. With, um, er, a pirate hat with a blue feather and a big parrot on it. The parrot said and I quote, ‘Fuck me feathers! Avast!’”
I laughed out loud, but saw that he looked hurt, so reached out and touched his arm. “I believe you,” I said, “It’s just the parrot. I always wanted one, and he’d probably talk just like that or worse.”
Savin went on. “‘Who are you?’ I got out, standing there with my mouth hanging open like a twelve-year-old seeing his first naked man…Er, woman.”
I had to pat his arm again. It was that or throw him on the floor and take him. “It’s okay to be gay,” I said stupidly. “I am.”