Did I just repeat myself? Maybe it’s because I had seconds of ice cream. No, I’m just moved by things too much tonight. Savin’s story reminding me of my first time and how far I’ve come since then. Mortality, in all its beauty, is still a difficult and perhaps ugly, thing to contemplate
Imagine coming on a cruise like this, barely speaking English, let alone Dutch, Indonesian, and/or Filipino. But then, I speak only English and barely remember any French or Spanish, so I shouldn’t talk.
Two more things, my dear Richard, about this, oh, so long and full day before I even get to the evening’s crisis! I’m still thinking on how to write my daughter. I have so many mixed feelings: love and happiness, betrayal and hurt, excitement and pride, and an intense feeling of welcome and being wanted. How did this child turn out so wonderful? In spite of or because of my absence?