Chapter 22

“Well, do you find me attractive?”

“Savin, you’re like a ripe, juicy peach. Even straight men would find you attractive. But that doesn’t mean you should give it away to just anyone. Some of the people you meet will be assholes, pardon my French. Some won’t, and only time and their actions will show who is which. If Devon is for you, he’ll be back. Maybe his boss was watching. Maybe he’s scared. Maybe he’s a jerk. We don’t know yet, do we? And if you give up, you never will know. Besides, he’s not the only one. You’re barely even of a legal age yet, and maybe our boy Devon is wise enough to understand what kind of trouble that could bring him. And you, as well.”

“I’m eighteen,” Savin said stoutly.

“Sure, so am I.”
