Toots Number One, the feisty one, looked at all three of us in turn. “We’re lesbians. We don’t like men,” she proclaimed, staring down from her stony little eyes set high above her thin, pointed nose. Her hair was a shade of red not often seen in real life.
Herb winked at her. Actually, I think his eye was just twitching but whatever. He licked his lips. “Ah, ze feisty chat es feisty! My name, My Damn Moselle, is Hercule Poirot! I am at your service, my beauty. Oh, say,” he added, dropping the charm, “I’m in interior decorating. Might one inquire if the building is for sale, and if perhaps, the carpet matches the drapes?”
Everyone turned at stared at Herb. Me with total shock because I had invented those very lines decades ago in my former life. He winked at me then. I smiled. After all, plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery, right?