“So,” I said to Herb later, “Wasn’t there a children’s book with that title, a long time ago? I seem to recall something about a species- and gender-changing person from my childhood. I think it was a Little Golden Book, like The Little Red Cock, or Charlie Does the Soccer Team.”
“Maybe not,” said Herb. He tipped his glass at me, and we sipped. “Ah, splendid! Good gin, what? That mess upstairs, though, not my circus, not my monkeys.”
We watched as two beefy security officers walked past us with the couple from next door lock-stepping between them.
Steve was yelling, “Fifi’s a bitch, I’m tryin’ to tell you!”
“Sir, that is no way to speak of a woman. Even if she’s your mother-in-law, that’s just disrespectful.” Rozzie giggled.
I couldn’t stand it any longer. “Sir,” I said to one of the guards. “She is a dog.”
I got back, “Sir, stay out of this.”