Queen Mary put in, “You mean the Palace of Pleasure for Perverse Perverts, perhaps?”
Red Nose choked.
The ship must have agreed that this was going too far because Red Nose’s wife said, “Excuse me, I have to…” and spectacularly urped all over herself. Red Nose rolled his eyes, stuffed another biscotti in his mouth, and they hurriedly left the table.
“Thank God,” Queen Mary sniffed.
“Yes,” my inner demon blurted, “I couldn’t have stood that knock-off, homemade Simplicity pattern 4716 Mary Quant puce green dress size eighteen a minute longer.”
Everyone looked at me like I’d grown another head.
“What? In battleship gray maybe?”
Herb sighed. “Can we have a normal conversation here, please?”
“‘May we?’ I’m sure we can, but…” that was Savin. He was cute sometimes. Like a puppy. This time, I patted his head.
“Do you mean like normal people? Whatever that is? Do I even know any normal people?”