Chapter 7

Clay and I spoke briefly about the wedding, and before we ended the call, he told me he’d be in touch with additional information about the ceremony.

Afterward, I stared at my phone, wondering if I’d done the right thing in agreeing to serve as his best man. Even though I agreed with Eric that Clay and I needed to bury the hatchet, I wasn’t sure that being the best man in his wedding would accomplish that task. What if I had a meltdown before or during the ceremony and ended up making a fool of myself or, even worse, got into a public brawl with him? And what about Dean? I’d never even met the man and now I’d committed to standing up in his wedding for my ex. Just the thought of it all made me sick.

* * * *

In the weeks leading up to the wedding, I felt edgy. As much as I tried to put the event out of my mind, it lingered there, like a tumor.