Chapter 13

After a dance with Andrea, an older man snagged Eric and he pretty much stayed on the dance floor after that. My mother and I joined the other dancers during one of the slower numbers.

“Clayton’s wedding was lovely,” she said. My mother had always called him by his full name. Why, I don’t know. I guess she felt it suited him.

“Yes, it waslovely.”

She hesitated before telling me, “I’m happy for him and his husband. I told them that, but I can’t help feeling a little disappointed that you two weren’t getting married today. I thought for sure you and Clayton would be together for the rest of your lives.”

So did I, I thought. “Get over it, Mom. That dream’s not happening.”

“Well, maybe the next wedding I go to will be yours and Eric’s.”


“I like him a lot, you know. He’s very good for you. I worry sometimes that he’s a little too young, but he seems responsible.”

“He’s a joy to be with, Mom, and I love him very much.”

“I know you do.”