“What the fuck? You’re the one we’ve always admired,” Craig said, shaking his head. “You never seem to need the external praise. Never seem bothered with how others see you. You’re so self-contained, so fucking cool—”
“So scared!” Richie butted in. “Scared to be part of things, scared of failure. That’s me.”
Ben looked concerned; Craig startled.
“Hell of a night then, isn’t it?” Craig said, softly. “Time to learn a little more about each other than before.”
“We don’t measure success in salary cheques, Richie,” Ben said. There was a slow, easy smile of affection on his face. “You’ve always been a success. You have determination, you see. You have a vision. The two of us have just taken the next step as it was given to us, whereas you went out and sought your own way. You’ve always been more than worthy of us. It’s whether we measure up to you.”