“Hilary!” Barrett screamed and then it was over.
I was removed. The car hit the tree so hard and fast I fell back and thought I was going to vomit.
The sounds of the metal breaking, of the wood splintering rushed tears from my eyes. The glass shattered and fell like crystal spider webs and I watched in horror as whatever it was on top of the car slid off and waited.
I heard its voice, if it was a voice and not some awful cry of vicious victory.
“You, or her!” it shrieked joyously.
I wanted to move but couldn’t, wanted to rush forward to help but felt my feet glued to the ground as if I were caught in a trap. There was a horrible smell and the sound of wings; great and leathery close by.
Could it see me? I looked up above the wreck and saw not only the creature but two spectral lights floating nearby the black thing.
“You? Or her?” It called out again, the two lights swimming in the foul air around it. I watched as it swiped at the light.