* * * *
For dinner that evening Lucien and Edgar had fish and breadfruit, washed down with fresh coconut milk. Despite having an oversupply of coconuts, getting to them was hard work. More often than not, Lucien didn’t bother unless he found one on the ground. Even then, he didn’t look forward to all the hacking and smashing to get to the inner, edible part. But the thing about coconuts was that the milk was a refreshing alternative to water, and the white flesh would keep for a few days.
As night fell, they lay on the palm mats.
“Where did you go today?” asked Edgar, who had, once again, positioned himself so close that Lucien could feel the man’s warm breath on his bare shoulder.
“For a walk.”
Edgar nodded and kissed his shoulder. “It’s done wonders for you.”
Lucien turned to look at Edgar, although in the moonlight he could see no more than the dark silhouette of his face. “It has. I feel wonderfully restored.”