Chapter 11

“What a difference it makes,” said Lucien. “Things are really getting done.”

Already they had moved the bulk of the wood washed up from the wreck to the cave. And with the extra time granted to him by Abel, who was eager to do anything Lucien cared to mention, Lucien was able to work on his quilt.

“You’re quite nimble with a needle,” said Abel. “You’re going to make someone a wonderful wife.”

Lucien roared with laughter. “You have a gift for the unexpected comment.”

“I don’t mean to offend.”

“It was meant as a compliment. I’ve never had such amusing conversations.”

“Not since you’ve been on this island, at least.”

The signal fire had been restacked and the fire rocks washed cleaned so they were ready to use. With three bottles in their possession, they were able to fill them with fresh spring water and keep them in the cave. Lucien even found time to show Abel how to weave together the palm fronds to make mats.