Chapter 7

“It is not my prophecy,” Magnus said, but did not continue.

“Tell me about it anyway.”

“Later, when we have reached our destination.”

Gritting his teeth, Roland sighed. “And when will that be, pray tell?”

“Soon,” was the frustrating reply. “You can rest against me, if you wish.”

Roland nodded, too tired to argue. Wrapping his arms around the warrior’s middle, he laid his head against Magnus’s broad back. Closing his eyes, he couldn’t help thinking being this close to the man felt incredible. It felt…right. Which, of course, concerned him. It was not supposed to be this way. Roland knew that.

At some point he must have dozed, because he jerked awake. The horse had stopped and the muscles in the back he’d been resting against bunched.

“We are here, my prince.”

Roland blinked and leaned away from Magnus, but still held on. His eyes adjusted and he noted twilight had descended. He could see a few rather ancient dwellings. He let go of Magnus. “Where are we?”