Chapter 79

“What the fuck is going on here?” I snapped, loud enough to get their attention, and everyone froze.

“Who the fuck is this, Bill? We go away for a few days and come home to find this”—she wrinkled her nose in disgust—”punk on your couch. He smells like a garbage dump. What, are you fucking strays now? You can’t be that desperate.”

“Shirley!” Trent hissed, shaking her a little. “Calm down. This is none of our business.”

“Of course, it is! We share this house, and what’s more, my dad owns it. As his representative, I have a say in who or whatgets to stay here.” I saw Trent wince at her snotty tone.

I was pissed. “Since when? I pay rent, same as you. You have no right to tell me what I can or can’t do in my home. You don’t even know what the hell this is about!”

“Bill…” Thorn said.

I looked at him in surprise. “I didn’t think you knew my name.”

He blushed. “Fred gave it to me.”

Well, that made sense. I wasn’t thinking too clearly right then.