When it was time for him to go, Thorn came over to me and leaned down to kiss my cheek. “Seriously, Bill. Thanks for everything. You don’t know…” He stared at me for a second or two. “Sleep well.”
Unable to say anything in response, I watched him go.
I felt the tingle of his lips on my skin for a long time.
* * * *
It took another month, and summer had already begun before we found permanent lodging. Austin had heard of an older couple who were moving to Arizona but wanted to rent out their home here since they weren’t interested in selling, for the time being.
The house was situated a quarter mile from the beach and stood off by itself, with the nearest house a mile away, which would give us lots of privacy. It didn’t take long to get things settled, and on a Saturday afternoon, Thorn and I moved in. I was beyond grateful, and Thorn still couldn’t believe it.