You didn’t even see his face, a voice inside him mutters.
Will doesn’t care. He’s been driving for hours, ever since he left the precinct, and for what?
For this.
Some part of him needs this, he knows. Why else would he be in the Slip, cruising the street? Music blaring, sunglasses on, an erection throbbing at his crotch? He needs release.
That damn voice in his mind won’t let up. This is Tea all over again. Will turns the radio up in an attempt to drown it out, but it doesn’t work. You find another street rat like that, pick him up, take him home, clean him up, and what happens next? Where’s Tea now?
Will grips the steering wheel tight and leans forward as he takes the next turn. He isn’t thinking about Teabag anymore—that part of his life was over, done with, case closed. It’s been a month already. Tonight is an escape, a way to move out of the past, a way to move on. And Will suspects a good, solid fuck is all he need to do just that.