Closing the door behind him, Sean catches the back of Cordero’s shirt in one hand and reels the rookie to him. “Maybe later.” His gaze is drawn to Cordero’s large pink lips, and Sean licks his own in anticipation. “Come here. I been wanting you all blessed day.”
Without warning, Cordero pins Sean back against the door. Hands on either side of Sean’s head, Cordero holds him in place, thrusting his hips into Sean’s until their erections grind together with a sweet ache. “You want this?” Cordero purrs.
A throaty moan escapes Sean as he nods. The pressure on his cock feels so right. “Damn straight.”
“Think you can handle it?” Cordero leans down to touch his mouth to Sean’s neck—his breath is hot along Sean’s skin, and does delicious things to Sean’s libido that make Sean rub against him, wanting more. “Don’t front with me, homeboy.”