“Whatever,” Sean says again, heading for the door and the locker room and the rest of the team inside. He has half a mind to tell Barrett he’s out of here.
“Sean.” Cordero catches the back of his shirt as he passes, but Sean keeps walking and the sweaty fabric slips from Cordero’s grip. “Hey, dickhead. Get back here. I ain’t through with you.”
“Fuck off.” Sean yanks open the door hard enough it swings wide. The adjustable closure at the top of the door catches hard, jerking the door back at him, but Sean ducks inside the cool hall and narrowly avoids getting hit in the backside. Wouldn’t that make a grand exit?
Fuck Cordero. “Sean,” he says again, right on Sean’s heels. His hand on Sean’s shoulder sears through Sean’s shirt, burning Sean’s skin. “Hold up, man. We ain’t—”