Chapter 14

“I picked up a copy of Buried Secretslast week. I still haven’t had time to settle down to read it. My husband, Jerry, is a needy sort. You understand?”

“I, um—”

“But this evening belongs to me. Jerry is out of town with his buddies at a pool tournament.” She sighs. “Can you imagine? Jerry holed up in a pool hall?” Her voice is animated, zippy. “The old fool doesn’t like large crowds or loud music. I told him he either better prepare himself for the night out with the guys, or stay home. I said to him: you’re in for a rude awakening, dear. And he asked me: Why? And I tried explaining to that stubborn jackass that the place was going to be crowded with college students and roaring with hip hop music.” She laughs. “Some days it feels like I’m living with The Walking Dead. Jerry is an expired stick in the mud. But I still love him.”
