Chapter 63

The air was stuffy and thick as I pulled myself up into bed, slowly, so as not to wake the snoring giant. My legs fell over the side. I closed my eyes against the grogginess, listening.

Suddenly a loud crash shook me and my eyes popped open. I looked around the dark room, my heart skipping like an overplayed record. I gripped the mattress, my fingers digging into the edges.

Bang. Crash. Clank.

I turned to Philip who shifted under the sheets, mumbling, scrubbing his face with a knuckle in his sleep, and turning over on his side, away from me. The room filled with more of his harsh snoring.

I heaved myself up and walked to the window, parting the curtains, and staring out into pitch darkness, my heavy eyes tired and unfocused.

Clang. Boom.