As if everyone here doesn’t know that already.Jim shook his head when those closest to Ken cheered, then began telling each other what part, or parts, they were going to try out for.
Ken drew Jim aside, saying, “I’ll get the list to you as soon as I’ve made my final decisions.”
“Thanks. I have a few basic ideas, but nothing concrete, yet.”
“I’ll be interested to see what you come up with. But then I always am,” Ken replied, his gaze locking on Jim for a long moment.
Suddenly uncomfortable with Ken’s scrutiny, Jim chuckled. “As long as there’s cleavage, you’re happy.”
“Okay, so I was wrong about that, for this show. But…”
“Got it. We’ll see.” Jim turned when someone tapped his arm, smiling at Neil. “And what part are you going for?”
Neil told him, and then they rejoined the others, with discussions ranging from the next show to the present one and farther afield, as always happened at the opening night cast parties that Jim had attended.