They put on their jackets, then left the restaurant. Alan had parked on the street, three doors down. When they got to his car, Jim asked, “Which motel?”
“Let me check what’s close.” Alan did, showing him the name.
“I’ll act as if I’m heading home, then swing around and wait across the street. to make certain you can get a room and then get into it safely.” Jim snorted. “I feel like we’re in some spy movie.”
Alan laughed. “If we were, we’d probably be dead by now. And I didn’t need to say that.”
“Not really. Okay, let’s get going. I’ll call in the morning as soon as I’ve talked to Detective Baines.”
Alan got into his car, watching Jim through the rearview mirror until he disappeared around the corner. He drove slowly to the motel, to give Jim time to get into position. It islike a spy movie. A bad one from the sixties with stupid heroes.