“I thought he only worked weekends,” Alan said.
“Nope. He’s here Tuesdays and Thursdays, too.”
Although she was busy, since it was lunch hour, she managed to find time to talk with Alan. He filled her in on all the details about how they’d gone to a movie, and out to dinner, “Just as friends. Then, last night, he asked if I wanted to go on a real date.”
“And of course, you said yes. I’m happy for you, for both of you. It’s about time Jim found someone. You, too, of course. You could do a lot worse.”
“I know.” Alan beamed. “There’s no telling if we’ll go beyond being friends, but…” He crossed his fingers. Yeah, I’m acting, for the benefit of anyone who might be…interested. He shivered. But who knows, maybe when this is over, we can find out if we want to bemore than friends. An idea he intended to pursue, if possible.
* * * *
“You have a date? A real, actual date?” Deanna pumped a fist in the air. “It’s about damned time.”
Jim rolled his eyes. “Come on, I’m not that bad.”