Alan let the detective into his apartment, gesturing for him to have a seat.
“You’re looking better than the last time I saw you,” Baines said. “Of course that was when you were being worked on in the ER.”
Alan frowned. “I don’t remember you were there.”
“I’m not surprised. The doctor told me you weren’t in any shape to be questioned, so I backed off. What I need to know, now, is what you remember about the attack.”
“Hearing the car door open, then pain when he hit me. That’s it. I’d just turned my headlights off, and my eyes hadn’t adjusted to the sudden darkness.”
“He timed it well,” Baines said. “I’d be willing to bet that’s how he got the drop on the other men, too.”
“I don’t suppose he’s confessed. I mean, more than what he did when you arrested him. Jim told me about that.”
Baines snorted, then went on to tell him what he’d told Jim earlier in the day.