“Do we want to do this again sometime next week?” Alan asked, setting his empty bowl on the coffee table.
“Sounds good to me, but it will have to be Monday. The rest of the week I’ll be involved with final rehearsals before the show opens on Friday.”
“At night?”
“It happens. They can go on into the evening, if we run into problems. That’s why we have them. The actors need to get used to their costumes and the sets.” Jim chuckled. “The saying, if it can go wrong, it will? I think it originated in the theater.”
“Oh, boy.”
“Yeah. It’s rarely anything major, but…” Jim spread his hands.
“I’ll stick to accounting, thanks. No matter what, one plus one always equals two and nothing can screw that up.”
“You haven’t seen my checkbook.”
“If you need help with it…” Alan replied seriously.
“I was teasing, but thanks for offering.”