Chapter 45

“You’ve had your phone off.”

“I always do when I’m working. Why? What’s wrong?”

“More like what’s right, I guess. I got a call from Detective Baines, about twenty minutes ago. He’s arrested Ken and Bob for Neil’s murder.”

“So soon?”

“Yes. He didn’t go into details, other than to say that Ken did the actual killing and Bob helped to cover it up.”

“Damn. He’s got proof? Well, I guess he must, since he arrested them. This is going to shake things up at the theater.”

“I know. Will they cancel, or at least postpone the next show?”

Jim spread his hands. “I have no idea, but I’m sure I’ll find out tomorrow.”

“I’m sorry,” Alan said, hugging him quickly. “I know this isn’t how you or anyone wanted things to turn out.”

“Not really. If it had all been Bob…” Jim sighed. “But it wasn’t.”

“Call me tonight?” Alan said. “Or just come over?”

“I will.”

“Which?” Alan asked with a small smile.

“Come over.”