Father Leopold laughed, patted Matthew’s knee, and said, “I’m obligated to make statements like that. It’s in the job description. Designed to put the fear of eternal damnation into you.” He laughed again.
“Now that that little formality is over and if my memory serves me correctly, and at my age you can’t always depend on it’s doing so, we’re to talk this morning about the topic for that annoying master’s thesis we require you to do.”
Matthew liked the man. He was easy to be with. To Matthew he was the model for all priests: kind, able to laugh and joke, and non-judgmental.
“You’re right. I was supposed to come with a topic in mind.”
“And have you?”
“Yes. I’d like to do a series of hagiographies on a group of saints I’ve come across.”
Father Leopold looked thoughtful. “Hagiographies of most of the saints are quite plentiful. In order to qualify for your master’s thesis there must be some unique aspect to your linking these saints together.”