Graf had finished purging and was about to stand when a sudden movement from the back of the cave caught Adama’s attention.
Graf glanced up to see where Adama was pointing. He spun around as the intruder crashed into him, knocking him to the ground. The bison hide fell from Graf’s shoulders, leaving him naked in the chilly air. The instant exposure to the elements did little to dampen his determination. He leapt to his feet. Immediately the men were exchanging blows. With a well-placed punch to the jaw, Graf sent the intruder flying backwards into the dirt. In a flash, Graf was on top of him, laying into him with his fists. The sound of each punch echoed up to Adama, who watched, transfixed, from the comfort of the burrow.
The fight took the men to the mouth of the cave, and as they tumbled to the muddy ground, locked together in combat, they rolled out of sight.