The good mood lasted all the way until 9:17, when my boss, MaryAnn, arrived, hauling more bags than any one person should reasonably need at work. By 9:30, the emails began.
Attention Team:
We received a complaint from a client yesterday. Due to this, going forward, our policies are changing…
Attention Team:
Personal packages should not be shipped to this address. We will be monitoring all incoming packages. Blah, blah, blah.
Attention Team:
Tardiness is not acceptable. Repeat offenses can lead to termination. Consult the employee handbook, which you have all read…Blah, blah blah, blah blah.
“That’s rich,” Ellen, my cubicle neighbor, scoffed. “MaryAnn getting on us about tardiness. That bitch couldn’t make it to work on time if her life depended on it.”