Chapter 13

“I’m not standing on a window ledge,” Beau said. “They’d spot me, even in the dark.”

Rick grinned, obviously knowing he’d won. “But the roof will work?”

“Let’s go back there so I can check it out. Why I didn’t think of it myself…”

“Like you said, sometimes it takes a fresh perspective, and I used rooftops as a relatively safe place to crash, when I got the chance, so they’re on my radar.”

* * * *

“This will work,” Beau said, after surveying the roof and determining how well he could see the alley below him. He took out his gun, sighting in on the keypad beside the door. Now if I knew the security code…Not something he’d ever been privy to. Only Mercer and his bodyguards knew it, and it was changed weekly.

“Tomorrow night?” Rick asked.

Beau gave a sharp nod in reply. “And hope he keeps to his normal schedule.” 4

“What are you doing?” Rick asked the next morning, when he came into the living room.

“Packing up what I want to take with me, if things go as planned tonight.”