Chapter 46

“Undoubtedly.” LeRoy looked at him and winked. “You want to take a stab at it?”

“LeRoy,” Beau replied quietly, “I’m out of the business, as of a week ago.”

LeRoy pressed his fingertips together, studying Beau. Then he smiled. “I kind of thought you might be heading in that direction. Don’t ask why, except I know you. There’s been a different tone in your recent calls to me. If I were to guess, I’d say the reason is sitting right beside you.”

“Partly, yes,” Beau said. “A lot of things played into it, Seeing a lot of myself in Nash, and not liking it. Listening when Rick kept urging me to get out, although—” he smiled at Rick, “—I don’t think he thought I was. But mostly, I can’t keep him safe if I’m putting myself in positions where I’mnot. Nash came after me, and used Rick in the process. I’m not going to risk it happening again.”

“You’ll need completely new identities,” LeRoy pointed out. “I mean from the ground up. Better than even Toby created for you.”