Chapter 6

“You needn’t be grateful any longer.” There was a thread of pain in Max’s voice.

What was that supposed to mean? Before he could ask, Max left the room, defeat in the set of his shoulders.

Well, fuck it. And fuck Max. Charles gave him a roof over his head, a warm bed, and someone who fucked him on a regular basis. Wasn’t that enough?

Charles didn’t fucking care. He stormed out of the room and down the hall to his study. Once there, he began pacing the dark-paneled room. This was such bullshit. Well, he wasn’t going to hang around twiddling his thumbs. He found his shoes and put them on, swearing when the pain in his toe reminded him of his stupid action earlier.

He gritted his teeth, grabbed up his keys, and headed for the front door.

The last thing he expected to see was Max standing there with two grocery bags on the floor at his feet, and he came to an abrupt halt.

“What…are you taking out the trash? Garbage day isn’t until Monday.”
