Chapter 36

By the time he finished, it was well after nine in the evening. Tired, but happily so, he returned to the kitchen to fix a snack, taking it into the living room to eat while he watched the news. He was about to turn on the TV when he thought he heard something moving outside the front door. Given the strange feelings he’d been having since moving into the house, he wasn’t about to go open the door to see who, or what, was on the porch.

Moving carefully to the window, he inched back the curtain just enough to peer outside. The moon was just coming up over the tops of the trees, giving him enough light to see a man standing there, his hand lifted to knock on the door.

Now what the hellis he doing here? And at this hour?

Even though he expected it, Daniel jumped slightly when the man rapped. Shaking his head at his unwarranted fear, he unlocked the door then stepped aside to let his ex come in, asking scathingly as he did, “What brings you to the wild, wild west, Ray?”