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The book club members started to cancel one by one.
Marigold Lofty told Stone she couldn’t drive her BMW on any of the city streets, particularly across town to his residence. “Sweetie, I’m sorry, but there’s no way I can make it. I really don’t think it can snow anymore. This is the most snow I’ve seen in ages. All of it has fallen out of heaven. But, if you want, I’d be glad to Skype the event. You know I’m computer challenged, though, now that I’m over fifty, but maybe I can figure it out. It’s why my nephew, Bernard, comes and visits me every other week. He tries to keep me updated on all the new gadgets of the world. If that doesn’t work, maybe we can do Facetime. I’m not really sure how that works either. Maybe I’ll just sit and read one of Riley’s short stories. I’m a fan of his collection called Rainier Days. I know you also liked that book and are partial to…”