Once his looksee game ended, he said, “You’re more adorable than you look online.”
“Thanks for that. I appreciate the compliment.”
“And you’re sexy as hell in the rain, just like Ryan Gosling in The Notebook.”
So far we were hitting it off just fine together, which I had hoped only continued during my overnight stay on his island. In due time, I would learn if such a condition would pan out or not. Time would tell, of course.
“Stay there. Don’t move,” he told me. Finn holstered the gun to his side, stepped around two suitcase-sized rocks, and told me, “Spread your legs and arms, I need to see if you have a weapon on you.”
I had a ballpoint pen, cellphone, wallet, and the Prius’ keys on me and nothing more. But, if he wanted to pat me down, checking my thighs, chest, shoulders, and legs for any guns, knives, or self-created bombs, he could have at it. I thought him sexy as hell, handsome beyond words, and quite masculine.