Chapter 53

“Over ten years. She’s the first person I call when I want to sell a sculpture or a dozen ashtrays.”

“Your ashtrays alone sell for seventeen thousand and up. Your sculptures sell near eight hundred thousand dollars and higher, each.”

“On a good day,” he said. And then he asked me, “What’s your favorite color, Mr. Best?”

“Green. Any shade. Why?”

He walked over to a stack of L-shaped ashtrays and removed two blue ones from the top. The third one down just happened to be an emerald green hue, which he passed to me. “This is a little gift from me to you. Just so you remember your time on Haven Island with me and this interview.”

I admired the ashtray, feeling its rounded edges in both palms, judging it at almost two pounds of glass, heavy and solid, and one of the most beautiful greens I had ever seen. Then I joked, “I could kill someone with this.”

He chuckled. “The prized weapon. You can’t go wrong with one of my ashtrays.”