“People think I’m a hater,” he said. “But really, I’m not. You can justify that.”
“I’ll tell the truth about you when I write the article.”
Our chests rose and fell at the same crescendo in the dark bedroom. Sounds of the rain and the lake’s waves intermingled with our night’s talk. Autumn wind licked at the cabin, and thunder drummed in the distance. I felt comfortable next to him, at peace, and unharmed from the world around us. He became innocuous in my mind and my heart. My soul had started to open up to him, emotionally, and I became lost in the night with the man, reaching out to a place called love, even if we had just met a few hours before. He wouldn’t hurt me, I sensed that. He adored me, although he had known very little about me, but he seemed willing and interested to learn.
“You’re probably wondering why I like you, Chad. Would you like to know?”
“I would. Tell me. Curiosity killed the cat.”