Chapter 91

“Who dumped you?”

She laughed, waved a hand at me, and said, “Sweetheart, Frankie Marchetti doesn’t get dumped. She does the dumping.”

I knew that, testing her. “Who’d you dump? Was it Rico?”

Rico Padilla was a total asshole: a drunk, abusive—and into coke. He was bad news all around

“You guessed right. I was tired of his bullshit. The sex wasn’t worth it so I got rid of him.”

“So long to bad baggage. Now you have Mike, Scotty, and Brady.”

“My three jocks. Just what every young woman needs.”

I knew that Mike was a professional football player for the Erie Eels and Scotty was a minor league baseball player. Brady Rozelli was a middle-weight boxer, always throwing punches, but at least not at Frankie. Rather, he treated her like an angel, bathing her in gifts and kisses and…

“What’s going on with the man in your life?” she asked.

“Tucker Martini?”

She laughed at his name, reminding me that she liked it. “Yes. The dick you’re riding. Tell me about him. Your pet penis.”