Chapter 14

In all this tangling of limbs, we ended up on the floor in a bundle, laughing our fool heads off and happy as could be.

As I lay there with my men, I thought to myself that bringing Danny home had been the best thing that had happened to us in a long time, especially me. I had a cowboy of my very own, now, who was more than willing to spread his love around to all of us. He was definitely a cowboy for keeps.

THE ENDHeavy Metal Cowboy Blues

I awoke out of a deep sleep to ear-splitting sound.

“Oh, God. Make it stop!” I groaned and squeezed the sides of my head with both hands.

I shared a two-story duplex with Damien Ridley, my tenant. He loved his metal and hard rock at a decibel level that made my ears bleed.

Pushing aside my blanket, I got out of bed and stomped outside and down the stairs to bang on his door.

“Hey!” I yelled.