Chapter 24

Michael lowered himself a fraction, arm behind him, guiding me. He bit his lip and then drew a long, shaky breath before settling down lower. I petted his hip and thigh. He eased down another couple inches, not yet hilted. I stroked his cock and that seemed to be the turning point as he slowly bottomed out. His pupils were blown and his lips parted, breathing a little too fast. Oh God he was my wet dream in every sense of the idea, and the tight heat of his body around me made me glad he was motionless for a good minute or more.

I flexed my hips and he moaned. “You can move,” I said by way of encouragement.

“Uh, I need you to…” His words were broken by pants.

“Then we’re probably going to have to change positions, babe.” He weighed damn near as much as me.