Zoran had gestured to the moon, half-full above them. “With its light, and our enhanced eyesight, I can see the beauty and remember when I could walk in the sunlight and see the colors in all their glory.”
“A thousand years ago.”
“And a bit more,” Zoran agreed. “When I was young and life was exciting.” For a moment his countenance had darkened with sadness. Then he’d begun telling Scott the names of some of the more exotic flowers, obviously wanting to distance himself from his memories.
Now, Zoran pointed to a branch on one of the taller trees. “Think about moving from here to there. Visualize it. You have the ability. Use it.”
Scott closed his eyes, doing as Zoran had said, visualizing himself on the branch of the treeI can do this. I can!
He felt the air move around him. Then he was on the branch, clutching the tree trunk to keep from falling.
“I did it!”
Zoran looked up, smiling. “I told you that you could. Now come back down.”